28 March 2023
At Cubico, we are committed to making a positive impact on our local communities, with key areas like improving the quality of education and advancing economic development among our core focuses.
In Uruguay, our local team has been working closely with local authorities and residents to organise a range of initiatives to help some of the most deprived communities local to our Kiyu wind farm in San José.
In Libertad, we worked with the Movement for the Eradication of Insalubrious Rural Housing on the construction of a volleyball court, basketball court and park benches by donating the equipment and materials. The project has helped improve the public spaces within the city and strengthen relationships between its residents.
We also supported ‘Paseo de las Artesana’, a Kiyú-based craft centre and the workplace of 15 female artisans who specialise in different artisanal fields such as carpentry, leather crafting, jewellery-making and more. The group has had a noticeable impact on its local communities, as it encourages more women to enter labour markets and provides opportunities for income generation.
To support the group’s work and, ultimately, its promotion of the economic participation of women across Uruguay, we donated a range of raw materials such as wood, fibre and metals.
Elsewhere, we contributed to the construction of a new canteen at a school on the outskirts of Montevideo, Uruguay’s capital city, where around 160 students have breakfast and lunch every day. The much bigger and more modern canteen will allow all students to have their meals together, rather than at different times and in smaller groups, enabling the school to run more efficiently and focus more resources on education.
This year, we are continuing working with local authorities and communities – both existing and new collaborators – to identify initiatives which help to ensure a good quality of life for as many people as possible.
Keep an eye out for more updates in the near future.